Roof Deck with Ortigas Center Skyline View

Dec 14,    6:07 am

I woke up at 6 am hoping to witness the sunrise.

I went up to the roof deck to catch the sunrays hoping to absorb some vitamin D.

I haven’t been up here for almost a year.   I am amazed that the stairs mural has not faded a bit.

roof deck
We’ve been planning to renovate this area for years but never got to.  We are thinking of demolishing the structures on the deck to make the load lighter.

This massage room used to be cozy, with window blinds, drapes, dividers.  I don’t know what happened to the drapes but without them   every thing here is bound to fade, look at the wall mural, kumupas  na.

With the highly contagious and deadly virus, having a body massage is no longer feasible.  The close body proximity is too risky.

massage room

The hanging mini watering cans serve as wind chimes.

The lush trees planted by Edmund behind our house help screen air pollution.

The skyline is growing.   The skyscrapers keep getting taller, as if we are not on earthquake zone.
skyline Ortigas

Our roof deck is not high enough for me to see the bukang-liwayway.

I miss the sight of the glorious sun at day break.  Looking up at the sky, feeling its expanse make me feel there’s magic beyond what my eyes can only see. There must be something  out there that is bigger and more powerful than our problems.   Its presence is reassuring us that we will all get through this.  That there’s hope.

#defeatvirus  #humanstrong  #faithinGod    #kapitlang   #savemankind  #covid19  #pandemic  #vaccineiscoming


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