Rough Patches

I am going through a stretch of rough patches and the best way is to either run as fast as I could to go past it or go very slow, feel my balance, and see if it’s better to proceed or go back.

I’ve been through many rough patches before. Potholes upon potholes. But this one looks shallow on the surface but it actually runs deep down to the core.

I’ve seen this coming in February and it actually gave me sleepless nights.
I could have done something to prevent it but it’s now too late. It happened already.

I started posting family photos way back in April 2011. It was Holy Week. It’s been seven years na pala. I might stop blogging anytime soon. I would still keep my online diary but it’s going to be private, for my eyes only. I have many things to say but I can’t express it in public. I have lots of nice photos but I can’t post it. Sharing my blog to friends and strangers limit what I can say and post. It deters me from expressing my thoughts and jotting down my emotions. I can’t write openly to my dear diary because other people would be able to read it.

Like what I’ve said, I am going through kilometers of rough patches right now as I approach a major turn. I can’t be an inspiration to my readers if all I could say is how sad I am. I want to spread goodness not sadness.

I am so slow in posting my activities. I will post a few more then I will rest for a while. I am going on a sabbatical leave soon, magmumuni-muni. hoping to find some clarity and inspiration. I can’t say how long it would take for my mind to clear and for my eyes to see clearly. Might take a few days, weeks or months. I will continue to post but they will be hidden. If and when I make them public, then you will have many hours of back reading to do.

Till then…


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25 thoughts on “Rough Patches

  1. Tightest hugs Ms Annie. Here’s a cup of tea ☕️ to brighten up your day. May your day, weeks, months be blessed. Smile.

    Sayang i didn’t know you’re in town a few weeks back. It would have been nice to meet you. Maybe next time.

  2. Hi Annie,

    I’ve been wanting to post my comments since last week.

    I admire your courage of making you diary online, baring your heart and soul for everyone to read and make comments.

    I understand your situation and been through a similar one, days when you want to rest but your mind do not want to cooperate. I like to thank you, because during those days, your blog is one source of my relief. I may not agree 100 % in what you wrote, but that’s the beauty of life. Each one of us is unique, with different background, going through different situations. Harmony is to find unity in diversity.

    May God Bless You. Good Luck and may you find your happy place.

    We, your avid readers will eagerly wait for you, if you decide to share with us again.



  3. Awww! My breakfast is not complete without reading your blog. Surely I will miss you. We will always be here waiting for your post anytime…. Cheer up OMB! God Bless!

  4. Oh no, I will miss your blog Ma’am Annie. Please don’t stop please. I will continue to pray for you and your family. God bless you.

  5. I am sorry that you are going through a tough time. You are a very good person and a strong one. I am sure you will survive this storm in your life. This too shall pass. Wishing you well and praying for you. I will miss you, my “coffee in the morning”. Come back soon OMB!

  6. I am sorry that you are going through a tough time. You are a very good person and a strong one. I am sure you will survive this storm in your life. This too shall pass. Wishing you well and praying for you. I will miss you, my “coffee in the morning”. Come back soon OMB!

  7. Hello ms Annie, I support your decisions. Many famous bloggers before you like chuvaness have done what you are about to do. I hope it gives you comfort too.

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