Salad at House of Wagyu

I had a lunch meeting with two 32 year old boys at the House of Wagyu in Podium. I was the one who invited them and I chose this restaurant thinking that young guys like to eat steak. I was wrong. They are both on diet because they are getting married. One this year and the other one, next year. Kala ko only the brides-to-be go on an aggressive waistline reducing program before their wedding day.

Because the two guys chose to eat light, grilled salmon and prawns, I also opted to order light. I’ve been eating meat for the past two weeks so it was a good excuse to eat something else.

My companions’ orders came with soup so I had to order an extra bowl for myself. The day’s available soup was pumpkin soup. I am not fond of kalabasa.

Pumpkin soup,  House of Wagyu

I ordered seafood salad. The red dressing (was it raspberry?) maybe good for Valentines Day, Chinese New Year or Halloween but it didn’t look good on my plate. It didn’t perk up my appetite. I was also too careful not to spill it on my clothes.

seafood salad with raspberry dressing

I ended up just picking the few tiny shrimps, diced mangoes and one piece of scallop. I left the greens untouched.


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