At 1 a.m., while lying down on our bed with my eyes wide open and glued to the ceiling, my chest felt uneasy. I was anxious about something I was not conscious about.
Then I realized hey it’s January 4, 2025, the first 3 days of the new year had quickly zoomed by and I haven’t even wrapped up my things-to-do in 2024. I am not even half-way of all the things I wanted to do in 2023, 2024, and now it’s 2025 already. I am slow and lazy.

It got me to thinking, what if it’s not goodbye 2024 but see you again? Maybe we are going to resurface in another dimension or in a parallel world, and we’ll be starting over beginning on our birthday again. And in our journey, we’ll stumble upon 2024 again.

What if it’s not really the end when death comes, but we’re just transported to another plane?

There is definitely a lot of fear with that thought because no one wants to go to a place that’s full of uncertainty. It’s an unknown scenario and no one wants change or that kind of wild adventure. But maybe it is like that. We are just being recycled.

The good thing about that prospect is change. I can change for the better in my next life. The mistakes and craziness I did in this world, I can correct or do better when I am  in another world.
But I can only correct my mistakes when I know and am aware that I’ve committed mistakes. But in most cases if we don’t realize that there were mistakes committed, we will keep on doing the same thing, here, there, or anywhere and everywhere.

Christmas Dec 25, 2024

I wish the whole world a happy and peaceful 2025.


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