The story of Anthony, Robert and Julio

I was in a hurry because the wholesale store I was going to closes at 5 and it was already 4:15 pm. Anthony, the 24 year old Uber driver was not at all in a hurry. He was busy telling me about his 1 year and 10 months old daughter. Anthony got his 21 year old girlfriend pregnant. She became moody and depressed after she gave birth. She was overwhelmed with the amount of responsibility she faced taking care of her baby. She was always crying and was always throwing tantrums. One day, she told him to get the baby. Anthony said he is having nightmares that the mother of his daughter would change her mind and one day get back his lovely daughter. Anthony and his daughter lives with his mother who is also crazy about her granddaughter. Anthony is so impressed with his daughter’s maturity. He said she watches movies on You tube. She doesn’t watch cartoons on tv. She is a master of iPad, iPhone, and MacBook. Next generation parenting.

Robert’s second name could very well be Andres. He is under his beautiful Mexican wife’s spell. While driving, she kept on calling. He picked up the phone and told her he’s driving and would call her in a few minutes. I could hear her angry voice. She was telling him to pick up some groceries and her diet food.

Julio looked so dapper with his baby pink long sleeves polo shirt. I asked if he’s having a meeting afterwards. He said he just came from his office. He is a movie and television show producer. He used to live in Los Angeles but when the economic crisis hit in 2008 he moved to Las Vegas. He still produces shows and films but more of documentaries with social relevance.
He raises funds to give to numerous charities. He sits in the board of several non-profit organizations in Las Vegas and Los Angeles. He said he drives the Uber for 2 to 3 hours midday just to take his mind off from the stress in the office.


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