Strawberry Taho at BenCab Museum

One of the best things to do in Baguio is a visit to the BenCab Museum on Asin Road. Whether you are into art or know nothing about it, it’s still worth your time and entrance money. And you might get lucky, the strawberry taho vendor could be around. Never miss buying a cup. Again, it’s worth it. In our case, we bought before entering the museum, and before leaving. We took advantage kasi when we go home, there wouldn’t be anymore strawberry taho.

Baguio 136 strawbery taho at Bencab Museum

Baguio 134 Oyen buying taho

I paid 300 pesos for three entrance tickets to the Bencab museum. Beginning January 2, 2016 the cost would be 120 pesos per person.
Baguio 137 inside Bencab museum

Baguio 155 Bencab building in Baguio

When Oyen saw a tiny BenCab painting included in the RE-VIEW selling exhibit area, nahinayang sya. The exhibit started on December 12 after I visited the place. Most of the art paintings were already marked sold. I doubt very much if that tiny Bencab would still be available for sale even if we came here on December 12. Baka before the exhibit opened, it had been sold. And even if it’s still for sale, I doubt very much if we could afford its tag price.
Baguio 138 Oyen at Bencab

Terracotta sculpture by Israel “Noi” Gonzales 2009
Baguio 194 Israel "Noi" Gonzales

Diptych by Norberto Roldan, Sacred is the New Profane
Assemblage of Found Objects
Baguio 140

We saw this two guys effing each other at the Erotic Room.
Baguio 142

Woman in Green, Acrylic on canvas, 90 x 49 cm , by Bencab
Baguio 147 Nude by BenCab

A very large art sculpture of prekprek is also in the Erotic Room.
I’ve seen some of the artist’s pieces in Megamall one exhibit day. I am sorry but I don’t find our vagina artistic and cute enough to be hung on our wall.
Baguio 149 prekis

Undressing by BenCab, 1994 Acrylic on canvas, 74 x 58 cms
Baguio 150 Undressing, by Bencab

Body and Drapery, by BenCab, Acrylic on Canvas, 2006 60 x 44.5 cms
Baguio 152

There’s a room on the top floor that’s exclusively for Bencab paintings. I didn’t see this before because it was closed for photo shoot.
Baguio 158 works by BenCabThe garbage woman that inspired him has become Benjamin Cabrera’s iconic art symbol. Sabel Baguio 159 Sabel Three Dancers, by Bencab, 2014 Acrylic on canvas Three Dancers by Bencab, 2014

Kutohan by BenCab, 2014
Baguio 184 Kutohan,  By Bencab

I cannot afford Bencab’s paintings. Well, maybe in the future, who knows.
Baguio 177 Ohmybuhay at Bencab Museum

There’s a big pond with bahay kubo behind the museum.
Baguio 160 Bencab Museum's pond

Baguio 196 Kubo, pond

I don’t like Koi fish but I’d like to have a pond in my mini-farm but I don’t have a big enough space.
Baguio 198 Koi pond

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Baguio 202 yen and Nyke, kubo pond

There’s a small strawberry patch near the pond. I also want to have a strawberry garden, gaya-gaya naman ako.
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The 6 hectare property has become a very popular tourist destination in Baguio. There must be at least 300 people while we were there.
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Difficult to take solo picture sa dami ng tao.
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photo bombers
Baguio 209 Oyen at the pond

Ayan tyempo, single lady.
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This area is restricted for now but it would be open to the public soon. Medyo bangin na dito and one has to cross a hanging bridge to get to the other side of the mountain. Kung may pagka Tarzan ka, pwede ka dun. Not for me.
Baguio 216 restricted area, Ben Cab property

Bencab Museum is closed on Mondays.


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3 thoughts on “Strawberry Taho at BenCab Museum

  1. Ms Annie.. What’s so nice abt ur kids, even though they’re both grown ups, they still enjoy taking these little adventures and trips with u.. They do not even show signs of disgust or being bored.. They would gamely pose for a shot or two, even if it means they have to stand beside the street or next to an ice cream cart or a Taho vendor.. They simply don’t mind the people around them or the place itself..


    They just ENJOY BEING WITH U and SHARING YOUR PASSION for these little adventures or side trips…

    THEY BOTH LOVE YOU in such a way that any MOM would be proud of.. 😉

    YOU ARE SUCH A LUCKY MOM.. Not everyone has that kind of luck..


    You have indeed raised them well.. 🙂 God bless u and ur kids, Ms Annie.. 😉

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