Oyen lent us two T-Mobile sim cards she used when she traveled to NY. Since Edmund and I still have our old Iphone 5s, we both have local US phones to use. This saves us money rather than using our Globe.
Daughter’s instructions were
1. Put more load
2. Do not change the plan.

For $2 a day, we could call, text, plus a 2G internet. Edmund wanted to upgrade to 4G but I reminded him of Oyen’s instruction: Do not change the plan.

We went to T-mobile to put more loads.
It was bad timing, plenty of customers at 7 pm, Friday night.

T-mobile store

Husband did not feel inip. He was busy surfing.
Edmund at T-mobile store

One vacation luxury is to be able to wear tsinelas anywhere and everywhere.
We wear tsinelas

It took almost an hour before our turn came. I added $24 to my load, while Edmund $14 only.


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