Thank you for reminding me that I am strong

Dearest Anak,

I will start my greetings by saying I am so sorry. Instead of a happy pre-birthday weekend holiday, it turned into an “unhappy” pre-birthday vacation.
Instead of a happy salubong, it turned into a terrible episode in our lives. And today, it’s your birthday anak, and yet, it didn’t become a true happy day.

I didn’t have a gift for you, a cake, not even a tiny birthday card. I greeted you late in the day, because my morning was consumed with sadness, anger, worry. I am sorry anak.

Thank you for reminding me to focus and be strong. Thank you for reminding me that we are a team and that we can do this.
Thank you for giving me water every time you see me crumbling. Thank you for telling me to breathe. Thank you for wiping away my tears.
Anak, I would like to thank you for being my cane. Thank you for hugging me every time you see me shaking. That you for reminding me that I am strong.

God granted my request. To make my baby better than me.

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oyen toddler photos 001

You are a million times better than me. You are smarter and stronger.
Oyen eating Jolly Hotdog

May you have a long life that is filled with love, prosperity, good health, peace and happiness. May you be protected from bad people and those who are out to take advantage of you. May you be guided with wisdom in all your decisions. May your heart be always filled with content.

Oyen at Missionaries of Charity, March 21, 2016

Happy birthday anak. May your future be the greatest. I love you.
may your future be the greatest


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12 thoughts on “Thank you for reminding me that I am strong

  1. I am worried about you Ms. Annie, I think what you are feeling right now are all psychosomatic illnesses, the one we learned in college when we attended the Psychology 101. We want to hear some new stories in your blog, but you can’t with what you are feeling right now. Psychosomatic illness is being handled by psychologist, this is only a constructive suggestion. It might help.

  2. Daughters are really God’s blessings to all moms. She is what she is because of you, so take credit for molding her into what she is today. 🙂

    Thank you for always sharing a part of yourself to your readers. You make us laugh & cry along with you. Life would certainly not be as spicy without your daily blog posts to look forward to.

    Wishing you well Annie & hoping for God’s best for you.

  3. Your daughter maybe or really smarter and stronger than you are but definitely you are a lot prettier than she is when you were at her age.

  4. Thank you everyone for the birthday greetings!

    To the Hater – mom is really prettier, inside and out! It’s good we are not all as superficial and hateful as you. 🙂

    1. HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY to u, OYEN.. May God grant all of ur heart’s most ardent desires and keep,u and the family happy, healthy and safe, all the days of ur life… 🙂

      Ms Annie.. U and ur kids have kind and generous hearts.. You are all BEAUTIFUL, inside and out.. I had the privilege and honor of meeting u and ur kids personally, and i know that u are sincere and kind.. You have raised ur children well.. 😉

      Do not let the RUDE opinions of others DEFINE you.. 🙂

      as the song goes, HATERS WILL ALWAYS HATE… 😀

      I hope all is well with u and the family.. Missing ur posts.. 🙁 You’ve been gone for so long.. 🙁

      Please post again so we wll know ur okay.. 😉 take care and be safe always..

      God bless u and the family, Ms Annie.. Happy Easter to u all.. 🙂

  5. Also, OMB, please continue to write what you feel, see and think. It’s cathartic and we should be privileged to share your thoughts with you. Life can be beautiful and happy and entertaining. Other times, life is messy and unbelievably hard. It’s also not fair nor do we always get what we deserve. Recently, I thought I’d never see the end of despair. But, I’ve also found the real gift of the grace of God through it. It’s not something I have experienced during good times. It took this heart-breaking situation to find it and the true hope in God. So today, I pray for that same peace for you. May you never run out of courage. You will survive this situation and even thrive in it.

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