2 thoughts on “Thank you for this day

  1. Thank you again too, Ms. Annie, for inviting us to your home for the special get-together with you and your family last May. My father passed away in March this year after an illness and your invitation came as a pleasant surprise. Your kind gesture sparked joy in me even though we are grieving the loss of our loved one.

    I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and more blessings this New Year! I will keep you and your family’s intentions in my prayers. God bless!

    1. Hi Ting,

      I got so depressed after my father passed away. In your case, expect that the sadness would linger on for a while.
      Thank you for going out of your way to join us for dinner.
      Thank you for including us in your prayers. You’re so kind.
      Merry Christmas to you and your family.


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