2 thoughts on “That’s me, Oh my buhay

  1. Aww… Ms Annie.. Why do u call urself these tags? You know ur way better than all those things u call urself.. 😉

    Everyone gets old and wrinkly and sometimes no longer sexually appealing or sexually active…. That’s inevitable.. 🙂

    Kahit naman the MEN.. They also end up wrinkly and old and sometimes they have a distinct scent na sinasabi ng mga younger generation as AMOY LUPA… 😀

    Pero when it comes to WOMEN, ang sinasabi naman ng ibang tao na MAY ASIM PA.. but that’s TOTALLY DIFFERENT from AMOY MAASIM ha? Hehehe… 😀

    You are NOT ALONE, Ms Annie.. Most of us within the same age group (50+) are all considered to be OLD, WRINKLY, CRUNCHY, GRAY, FAT OR THIN… 🙂

    I am GRATEFUL to GOD just to be ALIVE and HEALTHY… Others are not always given the same privilege.. 🙁

    Take care and be safe always, Ms Annie.. 🙂 God bless u… 😉

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