When I was in college, I kept a notebook where I wrote down all my wishes and dreams. It even had a list of things I wanted to have including tabo and palanggana, bagong lipstick and sabukay. It was more like a things to do tomorrow or the next, and things I planned to buy based on needs and wants. It listed the common things we ordinary citizens all wished for, my own house, a car specifically a Mercedes Benz, around the world, etc. I even had a timeline, To become a millionaire by the age of 30. I just didn’t specify when the counting begins. 30 years after my 20th birthday?

What did that list give me? It provided me with something to dream about. A plan. It didn’t matter whether I achieved those or not. It just inspired or motivated me. Mahirap naman na walang plano o pangarap sa buhay.

I am not stopping young people to find their own calling. However, they should not be in a hurry to succeed. And dreams must be in consonance with the basic framework that one must be willing to toil with his own hands and feet. Kailangan masipag at matyaga. Do not take the easy money route and never be influenced by others. Listen to your parents first. Repeat, FIRST.
There are people who would embrace you. That doesn’t mean they mean well. They could be envious of you and would want to take advantage of your kindness, trust and gullibility. One cannot be successful if you will not be able to distinguish when a person is just out to take advantage of you.
Or a friend who secretly wishes you evil because he is envious of who you are and what he thought you have.

Being successful attracts all sorts of vultures. One cannot remain on top if you will allow them to pull you down. Be strong and smart.



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