The Wonders of Breastfeeding

July 4, 2022, 2:36 pm
Two nurses came from the lactation department and gave the brand new mother a short orientation on breastfeeding.
They have a breast-looking replica used for demonstrations.
These two nurses are the experts, they detailed the correct way of pumping milk and massaging the breast to produce more milk.

nurses, lactation department

When I gave birth to my daughter and subsequently to my son after 5 years, no one came to my hospital room to teach me how. The hospital, the ob gyne, and even the pediatrician didn’t push for breastfeeding. Maybe the protocols have changed in today’s generation. Breastfeeding is over-emphasized and highly recommended now.

My children stayed in the nursery and were fed formula until after we were discharged from the hospital.  Oyen stayed in the nursery for five days more because of jaundice and was fed formula.   I started breastfeeding her only after we were reunited at home which lasted when she started crying and pushing my breast away for lack of milk or zero milk. Nyke and I were discharged at the same time.  I breastfed him only for over a week.

Breastfeeding has tremendous benefits.   Research shows that it reduces the risk of asthma, type 2 diabetes, obesity, infections, heart disease, and diarrhea.  Breastfed babies will have a stronger immune system in general.

The next generation would be a lot healthier than the baby boomers and generation Y better known as the millennials.

wonders of breastfeeding

Dear Baby Theo,
May you live long (up to 88 years old at least), healthy, safe, happy, and free.
Love you apo.

July 4, 2022, 2:01 pm


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