There’s a woman living in your house

Her husband does business in several countries. He has a house in another Asian country but his family is based in Manila.

One morning, she (the wife) received a text message, “there’s a woman living in your house in ______ (country)”.

She (the wife) booked a 2 pm flight that same day and left for abroad, to find out about this woman living in her house.

She arrived at 5 pm. Their domestic helper was stunned upon opening the door. She told her to keep quiet. Wife stayed in the maid’s room while waiting for her husband to arrive from the office.

Around 6:30 pm, the husband arrived. He didn’t know that his wife was in the maid’s room waiting for him.

Wife waited for another 30 minutes. When she finally mustered enough courage to confront her husband, she went out of the maid’s room. Went to the front door and knocked with her left hand, while her right hand clenched a rosary.

Knock, knock, knock. Knock. The door opened. It was her husband. with no clothes, just a towel around his waist.

She (wife) was in a state of shock, she couldn’t utter a word. She just entered the living room nd sat down quietly at the sofa. Her husband followed suit, sitting on the sofa across her. He also didn’t say anything. She noticed that their house’s decors have changed. Not to her style.
After a few minutes, a Chinese woman came out of their bedroom, nude, without anything at all. Not even a towel. She sat down beside the guy. She sat there while looking at her (the wife).

There was an eerie silence. Then suddenly, the husband spoke. He faced his mistress and told her “I am choosing her (referring to his wife)”.

The wife left and checked in at a hotel. He put on his clothes and followed her. After several days, they moved back to the house. They gave the mistress time to vacate and remove her belongings including the Chinese vases, lanterns and Buddha she decorated the house with.

Wife thought that would be the end of her husband’s relationship with the woman. Yes, with the Chinese mistress. But he has had few more after that so she finally decided to get an annulment. Her husband died of cancer before the annulment was approved.

At 63, she still looks stunning and gorgeous, still oozing with sex appeal. She’s currently dating a 68 year-old multi-millionaire divorcee.


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2 thoughts on “There’s a woman living in your house

  1. Ms Annie.. At least now, the wife is free from all legal ties and free to move on with someone better.. I hope this time, she will be really happy with her current beau.. 😉

    Life will always remain a mystery to all of us.. One day we feel we’re on top of the world becoz we have everything that money can buy.. But the next minute, that same world would come crashing down on us, leaving us with nothing but a broken heart.. 🙁

    Maybe this time, it will truly be LOVE for the wife.. She deserves to be happy after all the heartbreaks she received from her husband..

    God bless her.. And God bless u too, Ms Annie… 🙂

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