This island paradise needs foreign investments to stir economic growth

Day two of the international investment summit was more intense than yesterday and primarily featured welcome and introductory remarks from the top officials of St. Kitts headed by Prime Minister Terrence Drew and former Prime Minister and Right Honourable Dr. Denzil Douglas.

Today, Stanley Jacobs from St. Kitts’ Investment Promotion Agency (SKIPA) provided insights into the exciting investment opportunities available in this unspoiled Caribbean nation.

This island paradise needs foreign investments to stir economic growth.

SKN investment opportunities

SKN investment

Skn investment opp

Skn agriculture

There are many areas in real estate that is open to foreign investors be it for a small condominium, a single family home, or a large commercial development, such as hotels. Anything is possible as long as the investor is ready for the long haul.
This is not the place for a fixer upper fast flips. Not yet. Maybe in the decades to come.
Skn real estate

Dr. Douglas, the former prime minister, passionately presented the many sustainable investments and pathways to their nation’s economic development. They need massive amounts of foreign investments to spearhead economic growth. St. Kitts has a very long way to go. They need to establish new avenue for economic progress. It’s a gargantuan task that the government is ready, prepared, and focused to take on for the benefit of the generations far beyond tomorrow. One thing I know is that their government has the type of commitment devoid of personal agenda.

The dance intermission shows SKN’s cultural vibrancy.

Some local women entrepreneurs display their interesting arts and crafts at the summit venue.
St Kitts Summit Exhibitors 2

St Kitts Summit exhibitors

After almost 4 hours of listening to the presentations, I couldn’t control my eyes from closing. I was very sleepy and my mind has refused to absorb any more information. I excused myself and went to our room 454 to take a power nap.


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