TRAIN law and the difficulty of doing business in the Philippines

Call me ignorant but the true measure of a country’s progress is how well the common people live.
Before the passage of the first TRAIN law, there was a modestly good economic activity in the country. The government wanted more money so they created something that instead of fueling more growth, it hampered it. Instead of their promised progress, they became greedier by squeezing more from businesses and individuals by imposing more taxes disguised as benefits.

We ordinary citizens feel the pinch. Prices of basic commodities have risen tremendously. Grocery money have shrunk. What we could buy for 1,000 now costs 1,500 at least. I see the value of our hard-earned money shrinking.


What I don’t understand is people conclude that companies earn a lot and are immune to taxes and rising costs of doing business. Too much is expected and demanded from companies because they generalize that companies earn tons of money. So government and people can demand whatever they can from companies.

Instead of planning for expansion, we are facing uncertainties. People are afraid to lose their jobs. With the second wave of TRAIN, that fear could become a reality. With the imposition of more taxes, more mandatory benefits, many companies might lay off some of their employees. Our country no longer have an advantage over our regional neighbors. Multinational companies could relocate their operations to other friendlier countries like Vietnam where there’s ease of doing business. Thousands or millions of Filipinos could lose their jobs. What do we want? To have 13th month pay or zero pay? Do we rather have a lower salary or no salary?

The government’s role is to think of ways to ease the process of doing business, and to make the environment friendlier to companies. When there are more companies expanding or opening, more people will have jobs. To continuously think of ways to squeeze money from companies and people is doing the opposite. This government is making life harder for our country and citizens. Wala silang tutoong malasakit sa ating lahat.


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