These are trying times. It’s like traveling to my favorite farm house where there’s fresh air, fresh eggs, cool breeze. Where you look forward to the moon shining brightly, looking up, waiting for the shooting star to appear so you could make a wish and pray it would come true. It’s like going to bed with a smile and excitement because you know that tomorrow the sun will shine, the cow would moo and your crazy chickens and rooster would scratch every surface and crow, to wake you up. It’s like looking forward to a new day, to a new beginning. But all those would have to wait first, because to reach your favorite cute little farmhouse, there are a few miles of unpaved road you have to cross. It’s a long and winding road that would shake you from your seat. There are a few things you have to do, stop and assess, continue your journey but slow down, hold on tight, maintain your balance so you don’t fall and bump your head. Believe that the driver would be able to steer the wheel to the right contour and direction. Trust that this stretch of bad road eventually would end. And when it does, there you’ll see. Your little piece of paradise on earth. Your home, your small family, living peacefully and contentedly.

(grumpy cartoon)


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