1. As I was leaving the house, I saw an old woman, probably in her late 80s walking behind some three steps from two nannies. She tripped but didn’t fall. One of the yayas turned back and helped her.

Senior citizen, walking with yaya

2. I picked up a few things from the grocery. The guy pushing my cart knocked it down. It’s good it didn’t land on my left foot. I wasn’t looking at him, I was waiting for the van. I just heard a loud planggg.

grocery cart

There goes my grocery items. The juice bottle and cans of evaporated milk rolled down the road and to the next lane. The guy is a little clumsy. Maybe he’s new in his job. After he knocked down the cart, he carried the other box on one side and the contents almost fell too. Good my driver was able to run and help hold the other end of the corrugated box. KUng hindi, bagsakan lahat yung karne sa kalye. I gave him P20 tip, still. Kawawa naman din. He’ll eventually learn.

grocery items fell on the road

3. After years of contemplation, I finally bought myself a small palm sander for handicraft works. I also bought a dozen sand paper.
I can now scrape the old varnish or paint of our old tables and chairs. I can also sand old wooden floors. I am excited to use this. I will start with our dining chairs.

palm sander

4. At long last, I was able to buy a new generator set for the carosa of St. John the Evangelist. My driver left at 5:30 am this morning to bring the generator to Fr. Jeffrey, parish priest of Nuestra delas Angeles in Pila-pila, Binangonan Rizal. I also sent some budget for the new dress and white flowers for Holy Wednesday and Good Friday.

generator set for Pilapila

5. There’s a small coffee shop inside Wilcon Home Builders Supply in C5. It’s owned by Wilcon too. They sell crocodile meat and dishes. It was 3 pm and I was hungry and feeling warm too. I sat down and ordered cold dalandan juice and pasta.
coffee shop inside Wilcon Home Supply

I was praning the staff might put crocodile meat instead of chicken. I told him several times to make sure he puts chicken.

Their pesto pasta with chicken (I hope) is actually very tasty.
pesto pasta with chicken Wilcon

6. The convenience of buying a shower set package is I will just have to shove it in. Except that the size may not do very well in our cottage house bathroom. This is 1 meter x 1 meter maximum. My space is 2 meters x 1 meter. I have to think of the configuration. The price is also something to seriously consider. At P46,000 it’s quite a stretch.

ready shower package

7. I also bought two sets of floodlights for the santo’s carosa to make it brighter. My husband suggested that I buy from Akira because Ford EDSA is suki here and enjoys a good discount. I didn’t get a discount kasi daw the price was already discounted.

Akira flood lights

Akira receipts

Oh shocks, I forgot to send the lights this morning. Hayy, sayang gasolina, babalik na naman, and super traffic pa.


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