A couple of days ago at around 7 pm I felt some pain in my stomach. In a few minutes I started vomiting. Seven times in a span of 15 minutes. I felt so dizzy. My head was spinning. I thought of going to the emergency. Baka nalason ako. Baka na food poisoning ako. My husband suggested that I take Bonamine. I didn’t want to because I would fall asleep eh what if it’s not just indigestion? What if it’s food poisoning. I wanted to make sure first that it’s no more than a case of over-eating.
A—–“Papakiramdaman ko muna”.

After the 7th time, my body began to relax. I took one fourth tablet of Bonamine.

The next day, I felt some pain again after eating. Siguro indigestion.

While we were sitting in the traffic, parang I felt some faint pain. Ano ba sa English ang humihilab? Basta, parang something is wrong with my stomach.

A—–“Tart, masakit na naman tyan ko. baka meron akong ulcer”.
E——“Ano’ng ulcer?”
E——“Eh ka co-colonoscopy mo lang”.
A——“Baka kaya nagsusuka ako nung isang gabi, baka meron akong ulcer”.
E——“Sakalin kaya kita?”



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One thought on “Ulcer

  1. hi Ms Annie <3 how are u feeling now? i hope ur feeling better 😉 Humihilab in English is STOMACH CONTRACTIONS or SPASMS ..

    baka nga need mo uminom ng maraming water after each meal to help with the digestion 🙂 but if u have time and the contractions or spasms persist, perhaps u should go see ur Gastroenterologist, just to be on the safe side 😉

    take care and i hope sir Edmund has regained some of his lost weight so he could go back to his golf tournaments 😉

    God bless u and the family always <3

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