Last night’s Procession

Last night’s Good Friday procession reached our place at 6:30 pm.

Last year, the Giwang-giwang reached Valencia corner Paterno Streets at 9:30 pm according to Edmund’s recollection. Last night, they were an hour behind. They passed at 10:30 pm.

It was only last night that I was able to have white towels blessed by the Santo Sepulcro. My son gave it to the drivers and they were able to throw the towels to the guy riding on the caro. I slept last night with one towel under my head.
I prayed that all my sicknesses disappear.

I got so upset when children made fun of the procession. I hated it when I heard them shout while the Giwang-giwang was being carried infront of us. I was trained by my mother to be quiet while the Santos were passing infront of our house. I was made to say a little prayer, hoping that the angels and saints would hear my little wishes.

Now that I am older, I am quiet and still amidst the confusion of men carrying the Giwang-giwang. My simple prayers, year after year, are the same.

“Thank you Lord for letting me live. Thank you for helping me do this. If it’s okay with you, I still want to be here again next year, and the years after that. Please take care of me and my family. Thank you”.


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