Oberammergau Passion Play, Sequence 1

It was chilly and raining. We were eager to go inside the Passion Theater and get settled.
Here, waiting for the door to open. Our tickets have seat numbers but we were informed that the seats were compressed or close to each other so once we sat down, it would be difficult to get up and leave.

Passion Theater entrance
Medyo masikip nga most especially since Edmund’s legs are long, his knees could reach the back of the chair in front of him. Mo room to stretch out your legs pag ngawit na. It would be a solid 2 and a half hours of old-fashioned Passion Play in the German language without intermission or pee breaks.
Cameras were not allowed during the performances. We could only take photos and videos before and after the play.

It was 2.5 hours of not understanding a single word of the dialogue and the lyrics of the songs because they were in the German language. The English booklet provided help only if you’ve memorized, identified, and recognized, who the characters were. Who was speaking? Otherwise, this was a perfect case for me of getting lost in translation. The only thing that made me relax was the fact that being a Catholic, I have watched too many Passion Plays in my life thus, I know the story very well. Using only my instinct, I didn’t read the English booklet otherwise I would spend my time reading and not watching the play. My husband didn’t want to come back for the second sequence. He was secretly hoping I would not want to watch the second part. Hew was bored and sleepy. Me too. I spent a great deal of time looking at Theo’s photos and videos on my phone.


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