Euro 5 entrance fee @ Fraumunster

The Fraumunster is one of the oldest religious buildings in Zurich. Founded on July 21, 853 originally as a Benedictine convent, the Church of St. Felix and St. Regula, played a key role in the development and transformation of the city. In the 11th century, it was granted the right of royal decree to mint coins, collect tolls, and hold markets. From the 13th century, the incumbent abbess became the formal ruler of Zurich and was given the title of imperial princess. This era ended in 1524, the last abbess handed over the abbey and all its assets to the city of Zurich.

The arched windows and ribbed vaulting are in the Romanesque style.

I couldn’t take a close up photo because cameras and videos were prohibited inside the church.

Gifted artist Marc Chagall was 83 years old when he made another masterpiece, the colorful stained glass windows that adorned the centre of the church. The unique, highly spiritual synthesis of the arts, bursting with wonderful colors and expressiveness was described as a scenic symphony of biblical imagery. It depicts the birth and death of the Redeemer.

In this image, paradise and heaven appear to flow into each other, and the crucified Jesus hovers high above while life itself seems to rise up to him in a lively and colorful display.
The stained windows were inaugurated in 1970 in the presence of the artist. Marc Chagall.


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