Kanduli says:
December 20, 2016 at 6:34 pm
It’s good that your brother-in-law Bong whom you were very proud of as being a Duterte supporter (but you’re now not mentioning) is already is US citizen. If not I think he should be deported. My basis will be Form I-485 (Adjustment of Status to the United States). Specifically on part 3 ‘Processing Information no.14’ for he ‘helped with’ the killings in the Philippines. Of course not that he personally killed someone like what his idol Duterte had claimed but ‘helped with’is quite broad which include enthusiastically endorsing and cheering Duterte’s policy of extrajudicial killings in his war against drugs.

Dear Paul alyas Kanduli (our family favorite),

Thank you for your message.
Bong and his friends vigorously campaigned for Duterte because they believed he was the best choice. It was not a matter of me being very proud of his personal preference but it was a matter of respect. I respected his choice and his views. He and his lex talionis brod mates spent their own money, time and effort campaigning for Duterte with no expectation of return. I no longer mention that because tapos na ang election. There’s no more purpose.

When I express my sentiments and worry about what’s going on, Bong keeps quiet, doesn’t contradict me because he too respects my own views. Some of those who voted for Duterte are not blind followers. Nakukunsumi nga sila pag nagmumura na naman si Duterte.

For the record, HE DOESN’T “support the killings and doesn’t cheer enthusiastically endorsing and cheering Duterte’s policy of extrajudicial killings in his war against drugs”.

They are abreast of the situation in the Philippines and have also expressed their concern and worry.
Even if they are American citizens, they are first and foremost, Filipinos.

Merry Christmas Paul.



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One thought on “Hi Paul

  1. Happy New Year Ms. Annie and family!

    Thumbs up for this post! 😉

    my sentiments, exactlly!

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