I found this bottle of natural lemon oil from Marshalls in Concord. It’s supposedly to protect teak wood and other fine woods from sun and rain. Fine woods meaning this is also good for narra. Our front door is solid narra. Because I am not a fan of brown varnishes, I just let our door be exposed to the elements without any protective coating. Now, it’s showing obvious effects of extreme exposure to elements like rain, heat and UV sun rays. It’s 10 years old and what I don’t want to happen is for our doors to completely deteriorate, mabulok. Ay it’s going to cost me at least 400,000 maybe even more for these two large solid door panels. And I doubt if I could still find a supplier because there’s a total ban to cut down narra trees.
Thursday night, I wiped the doors with this lemon oil. Ang pangit na nung door sa labas. I should have done this long time ago.