We Catholics grew up praying the Lord’s Prayer or “Our Father…” At school, depending on the class teacher’s mood, students were made to recite this anthem before and after class. This has been our religious faith’s anthem.
The Holy Rosary includes 5 Our Fathers and 50 Hail Marys which oftentimes we just recite without purpose. It just becomes a ritual, something that we recite repetitively without feeling its meaning. Our lips move like a mechanical gadget that spit out words while our minds are wandering somewhere else. We feel no connection to the words, only a momentary obligation and a perfunctory feeling to perform a task to dramatize our faith.
I for one have stopped praying the Holy Rosary on a regular basis. I feel no profound connection to the heavens by the repetitive recitations. What works more for me is to speak to God from the heart. Simple, concise, and maybe sweet whispers of thanks and requests.
I hope I am not being a bad Catholic by my laziness to read the whole Bible and praying all the five mysteries of the Holy Rosary.
I sued someone for perjury– for lying under oath. Bawal magsinungaling lalo na sa harap ng judge. The case is still in its preliminary hearing.
Recently, as I sat there quietly waiting for my turn to speak or so the honorable judge could see me, I just sat down quietly with my eyes on the floor. I recited the Lord’s Prayer. I didn’t finish it because my name was called. But after 15 minutes something good happened. One of my prayers had been answered. And for just a few seconds I felt a high of emotions. I felt happy, relieved.
To you ohmybuhay readers out there, when you are in the midst of chaos, or fear, anxiety, or uncertainty, pray “Our Father who art in heaven,….” Or whatever suits you, just pray. “Lord please help us.” “In God we trust.” Just pray, from your heart.
And good things will happen. In some cases it could be immediate, sometimes our prayers are answered in His time. JUST BE PATIENT, and BELIEVE, thy will be done.

(ctto www.pixel-creation.com)