Plastics Kill Marine Life

Edmund and I’s new favorite television program is BBC Earth. Ever since I came back the two of us have been watching the amazing features about life on earth.

Tonight I caught the tail end of their documentary about the effects of people’s invention– the seemingly indestructible plastics, on marine creatures. Plastics kill marine life.

into the blue 004 plastics kill marine life

Every year eight 8 million tons of plastics are thrown into the blue sea. Toxic chemicals build up to lethal levels and affect sea creatures.

This whale is hesitant to let go of her dead baby most likely poisoned by the mother’s own milk which is contaminated by toxic substances. The mother has been swimming with her dead baby for several days. The whole family is deeply affected by the death.

into the blue 003 / BBC Earth

This whales live in the remote deep blue sea but not remote enough to suffer the effects of what we are doing to their world.
(Source: BBC Earth)


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