Three hours walking tour in OLD TOWN Tallinn

May 3, 2019

I was impressed with my tour mates, straight from Manila, no rest, straight to lunch followed by a three-hour walking tour around Tallinn’s Old Town. Ako nga rayumang-rayuma na, sila parang hindi napapagod.
I think their energies were fueled by our extraordinary tour guide Iver. He made every effort to show enthusiasm and injected theatrics in his stories. It was not just listening to a good story teller but it was like watching a play. Iver himself called this tour a show.


It was very cold, drizzling intermittently, and windy. Iver said Estonia has the cleanest air in all of Europe so we should just enjoy and take it all in. Inhale the pure oxygen!
walking tour

There’s no way you will not end up in an old church or cathedral when joining in a tour anywhere in Europe.

church door


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