American Pulubi

I sat down on one of the cemented planters at Union Square, observed and looked at the policemen, tourists, buses, passersby and locals and American pulubi.



A Chinese lady collecting empty bottles and cans from the garbage.






There was this black guy who went from one tourist to another singing some jazz blues but not one cared to give him some alms. At one point, he told this group of 4 white tourists, “please give me a quarter, just a quarter so I could eat”. But those guys just smiled at him. Then the black guy moved from one tourist to another, sang the same song, but no one gave.




I took out a dollar bill from my bag and waved at him “Hey, here’s a dollar!” “Helloooo, here, I’ll give you a dollar!”. My voice was very loud, all the people around heard me and looked, except for this guy. He walked to the other side of the park.


Union Sq Oct 24, 2011


Union Sq


Then in 5 minutes, he was back, singing the same jazz song, and no one gave him a quarter or some penny. He couldn’t see me from where I was seated so I went closer to him. This time, I caught him singing to 2 Spanish ladies, who were inspired by his singing, they started singing the same song with him. BUT, THEY NEVER GAVE HIM MONEY.


Ron Bank


wHILE they were “jamming”, I handed him the dollar. He was instantly surprised when he looked at me, “Thank you Mam”. He first finished his song in front of the 2 ladies, then turned to me and said “thank you” again.
I interviewed him —
Annie —– You have a very good voice. Were you a member of a band?
Man——– Yes, we had a band before that sang in……
Annie—— Why are you begging?
Man——– I am homeless mam. Help me.
Annie—— What is your name?
Man——– Ron Bank
(It’s ironic, having a surname Bank and yet begging)
Annie——- Why are you homeless?
Man——— I have no job. Couldn’t find a job.
Help me Mam, give me some more so I could eat. (He rubbed his belly)
Annie——–You can still work. I’ll help you but answer my question. Where are you originally from?
Man———-from New York. Give me $60 so I could stay in a hotel. Help me.
Annie——–Why did you come to San Francisco and now you’re begging.
Man———-I couldn’t find a job. Help me.
Annie——–Give me back my dollar.
He gave me back my dollar, and I gave him a $5 bill instead.


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One thought on “American Pulubi

  1. Awe, you were too nice. ;O) Some of those homeless men are hustlers and crackheads. I can’t believe he even asked for $60 from you! Trickery!

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