Saturday, February 11, 2012

My mother-in-law called an impromptu dinner at her house in Quezon City. After attending mass in the same village, we proceeded to her house. Edmund and I were the firsts to arrive. My son was absent because he and his girlfriend were celebrating their advanced Happy Valentines Day. Julienne made a quick trip to Greenhills after the mass to exchange Edmund’s I-phone 4S.

Edmund’s siblings came one after the other in 15 minutes. We were clueless as to what prompted the spur-of-the-moment casual gathering. They were joking that their mom probably would give-out some gifts


Auntie Flor had a stroke a few months ago but has fully recovered without any physical impairment.


Edgar and Ann.


My brother-in-law Edwin (2 years younger than Edmund) with wife Ellen.
Ellen has lost a lot of weight and has cut her hair short. She’s been battling with stage 4 cancer of the colon for over a year now. They have been traveling back and forth to Fuda Cancer Hospital in Guangzhou, China every three weeks for her chemo and other treatments. So far, the tumor in her liver has shrunk from 7 mm to 4 mm. Let’s all pray for her recovery so she could enjoy many many many many more years of happy and active life with her family and community. She and Edwin are very religious and are actively involved in Couples for Christ. Edwin leads the choir in the village and also brings children and household helps to the church to join in the choir.



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