Feeling Low

I have been feeling sick, low and exhausted ever since I came back from the US. Everyday I had a headache, I felt dizzy and nauseated. Riding the car made me dizzy. Sitting in the traffic made me sick. I hated traveling for an hour or even two or three hours just to get home from Makati. My patience is naturally low, and since I felt low, my patience became nil. I would secretly curse while in the traffic.
Mga anak kayo ng patola, upo at kalabasa.

I was becoming depressed. Umihip lang ang hangin parang gusto kong humagulgol. I was analyzing why, maybe it’s caused by the generic culprit for every sickness- STRESS or maybe these are symptoms of women’s number one enemy- MENOPAUSE or matutuyot na.

Last night, I suddenly snapped out of my depression before it got serious. I very well knew what were giving me stress so today I just like, lifted them all up. I threw my cares into the air and breathe.

I began drinking herbal tea last night. I squeezed 4 pieces of kalamansi in a cup, put boiling water and some fresh basil leaves and half-teaspoon of honey. This was a complete turn-around because I never liked hot drink. Tomorrow I will go to San Benito’s office at the Manila Peninsula Hotel to buy terragon and peppermint. These herbs are said to have some calming effects. But only drink the tea in the evening or else you can’t be productive during the day.

kalamansi - oh my buhay

Honey- oh my buhay


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