My mother-in-law came back from attending fiesta in her hometown Antique last week. She said she saw someone selling some old stuff and was surprised to see this jacket, owned by Edmund. She grabbed it and immediately called Edmund.

It’s a puzzle as to how this jacket ended up in the hands of ukay-ukay and in Antique.



I shouldn’t be doing this kind of expression on my face, all the pileges appear.


Glowing Goldies used to be the name of UST’s varsity team in basketball. They have changed it to The Growling Tigers.

(UST- University of Santo Tomas)


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2 thoughts on “Goldies’ Jacket

  1. Its a vintage basketball jacket for the UST Goldies,-I went to uste too, 1984-1988 UST CAFA!–GO USTE!!

  2. IAM A THOMASIAN I got my degree on BFA-Advertsing arts back in 1984-1988– This jacket does ring a bell for me since, we might have attended on the same era.—How nice you got a piece of memory down there.

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