Philippine Business Bank

Julienne and I spent a solid four and a half hours seating at the lauriat hosted by Philippine Business Bank at the Golden Bay Seafood Restaurant in celebration of their 15th year in existence.

The invitation said 6 pm. We came at 6:30 pm including the 15 minutes we lost looking for the restaurant. We were in the first 50, definitely on time compared to the 1,200 other guests. We were even ahead of the bank’s top honchos.



Ambassador Alfredo Yao is the Chairman of PBB. He asked permission to both of us if he could put his arms on our shoulders. Freddie and I have been friends for more than 15 years, He’s a very humble and nice person. I can vouch for his integrity as a businessman.


Freddie with PCCI ex-president Eduardo Lacson and Rene Simbulan.


The program started at 8:30 pm and real food started coming at 8:49 pm. Remember that we arrived at 6:30 pm. By 8 pm I have eaten one gallon of nilagang mani (steamed peanuts). NO KIDDING.


The crowd were mostly Chinese so the emcees spoke and sang in Chinese. Richard Poon sang songs in Chinese and English. He looked puyat and sounded detached from his ballads. he’s probably tired.


I went home with a box of Zesto drinks I won in the raffle. Last time I won was 22 years ago in our village Bingo/ raffle when I was pregnant with my son. I won 24 fresh eggs in a basket. Swerte daw pag buntis.


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