An early riser sees the sunrise

July 24, 2021

I couldn’t sleep last night. There are nights when I have difficulty sleeping. In contrast, my husband sleeps within one minute as soon as his head hits the pillow. Since he sleeps early he also wakes up way too early before the sun rises.

One advantage of being an early riser is you get to witness how nature starts its day.
6:28 am
I never appreciated waking up before dawn because laying in bed sppeals more to me but these days I am beginning to realize what a great blessing it is to witness the day unfolds.
The rays of the sun, beaming into our lives, penetrating our minds, body, and spirit is God saying “I am here”. At least that’s what I personally feel.

I stayed outside for a few more minutes to get a good dose of vitamin D my body importantly needs.

If you have the chance, get out of bed before dawn and go to a place where you can witness how nature starts your day. Wake-up!

I used to find the phrase rise and shine a bit corny but I now appreciate what it means. So to you guys— RISE AND SHINE.


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