December 14, 2018

Younger people prefer living in a city where there are more places to see and things to do. When I was younger I felt that way too. I was drawn to where people congregate. The more crowded the place the more interesting it was for me. I was curious about how other people lived. Now, I am more curious about how chickens lay eggs and how they engage in premarital sex.

There are also lots of things to do on the farm. Watering the plants, digging the soil, planting more flowers, pruning leaves, napping, walking, inhaling the fresher-than-in-Manila breeze.

I feel so relax feeding chickens and interacting with them. I am actually beginning to talk to them. That’s better than talking to myself. Hey, no! Hoyyy, you’re bad!
I have a chicken named Victor and I speak to him too “Victor go eat, run, there you go!” Soon my best friends would be ducks, turkeys, chicks, and cows.

She and her 3 siblings used to be sunny yellow. As they grew older their feathers started lightening and now they look more off-white.

Big girl na sya.

This male turkey is so mahalay and no shame. He charges at the female turkey anytime anywhere, even when I am looking.

These teenage chickens will soon be released to roam freely with the adults.
We just keep them in the cage while they grow bigger to protect them from the harsh weather and from our two dogs who like to chase smaller chickens.

Sisters Cali and Jersey

I am going to mount this ceramic tile I bought last June either on the patio wall or as kitchen backsplash.  Puro manok.

Kids will find this boring but this is farm living and it’s actually great.


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4 thoughts on “This is farm living

  1. Oh My Buhay (instead of Old Macdonald) had a farm, E-I-E-I-O
    And on her farm she had a duck, E-I-E-I-O
    With a “quack, quack” here and a “quack, quack” there

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