I chose to stay home today to simply relax in quiet solitude.  I got so tired and dizzy from sitting in the traffic for hours and hours every single day in the past two weeks.

I was  home alone.

Edmund joined a tournament and won his golf match today.  Despite his tummy ache and lower back pain,  he managed to win.  His love for golf far outweighed any discomfort.

Son was in school and basketball again.  He really loves this game.

Daughter went to see Amir Sali.

My in-laws texted Edmund re thanksgiving dinner tonight at the Shang for Auntie Flor.  She’s 72, and the younger sister of Edmund’s mom.  She had aneurism a month ago.  When we visited her last night,  she’s back to normal.   As if nothing happened.


To try to run away from life is impossible to do.

For no matter where you go your troubles will follow you.

For though the scenery is different, when you look inside

you’ll find the same deep restless longings

that you thought you left behind.

so when life becomes a problem

much too great for us to bear,

instead of trying to escape

let us withdraw in prayer.

And listen in the quietness

to hear what God will say.

by HSR

Happy weekend to all.

#homealone #quieetsolitude #thanksgivingdinner


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