This is my second visit to India. I have become a fan. I love papadum, dosa, tandoori, Khan Market, The OBEROI Hotel, TAJ MAHAL and the list goes on. Can’t
Author: OMB
Ford EDSA and Mazda Makati joined the Chinese New Year parade around Binondo. Walking around Chinatown made me miss my father. He migrated to the Philippines when he was 4.
My mom used to grill Ayungin for breakfast, pour boiling water, season with salt, pepper, put tiny slices of red onions, and sprinkle with spring onions. Super sarap with steamed
These are among my cherished possessions, old family photos of my parents and siblings: My father was only 4 years old when he migrated to the Philippines with his uncle. His
When I am down and feeling so low, I read this poem, titled “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley, over and over again and it kind of uplifts my spirit a
We Filipinos like double-rhyming nicknames. My daughter’s first nickname was Yenyen. Aileen’s daughters’ orig nicknames were Kaykay, Tintin, Bingbing. My nephews’ names before emigrating to the US were Junjun and