I spent one night at the farm, Saturday to Sunday. I couldn’t sleep until 3:30 am and I could also hear our neighbor’s dogs howling intermittently. They belong to the
Category: Dogs

We hired a young lady to take care of our 8 dogs full time. Dati kasi there was no specific person assigned to attend to the dogs. Basta tulong-tulong lang

Delayed post May 26, 2022, 1:42 pm Lucy is losing weight and seems to be having difficulty breathing so I brought her to Animal House for a check up. We

Delayed post May 20, 2022 Oyen noticed that Pixie’s right eye remained closed. I volunteered to bring her to Animal House to find out what’s wrong. On a bad day

(Delayed post) April 25, 2022 These three ladies and a gentleman poo and pee everywhere in our house. I accidentally step on their droppings oftentimes and when that happens naiinus

May 11, 2022, 4:11 pm Lucy is having difficulty breathing. We’re not sure if it’s because of the heat. We could’nt let her inside the house to bave air condition

Oyen shows her baby’s ultrasound to our dogs. It’s her way of introducing the baby to her other babies. She also makes them listen to a crying baby to see

We currently have eight dogs at home. The four shihtzus are allowed to freely roam inside the house. They pee and poo everywhere. There are weewee pads but sometimes they

March 12, 2022 7:23 am Pearl keeps me company while I unpack. 7:24 am 9:24 am Welcome breakfast prepared by Jebel — daing na bangus, ginisang ampalaya, langgonisang hubad. We

I bought several camote tops from Ranch 99 more than a week ago but I forgot to boil them. We’re going back to Manila soon so lutin ko na nga.

Mochi spent two nights, from February 12 to 23, 202, at my sister’s house while we were out of town. We couldn’t bring her along because she is not a
While my son was buying coffee inside the cafe, I noticed a dog waiting outside. There was also a good-looking guy standing outside the cafe’s door which my husband mistakenly

The cold days would soon be over and here comes the sunny and hot California weather. Although technically it’s still winter, I no longer feel it still is. We are

Mochi is no longer the sprightly lady she used to be when she first lived with us. She deteriorated rapidly. She now walks and moves slow. During the pandemic lockdown,
MOCHI has become so picky when it comes to food. My fault because ever since she was left under my care I fed her table food. Ayaw nya paulit-ulit same

Background: Len and Bong’s Yorkies, Lucky and Mochi gave birth to many cute puppies ages ago and upon my husband’s request, they wholeheartedly gave us a female puppy. I got