Chickens and Ducks are Smarter than I thought

Before we had chickens at the farm, I was imagining that one day I would have some free range chickens and they would be my walking companion around the farm.  I imagined them following me around.   Edmund said that’s not going to happen because chickens don’t follow people. Dogs do. And that chickens are not smart enough to recognize people, unlike the more intelligent dogs.

driving thru the farm

He was wrong.  They do.  Chickens, and ducks follow me! They are smarter than I thought.

chickens follow me

The turkeys run too.

As soon as the gate opens they are already on high alert.  They crane their necks to see who is there.  Yes,  me,  the woman who feeds them!

It’s hard to drive because they follow the car and sometimes they walk ahead and I could potentially run them over so I drive very very slowly.

It should be chickens crossing beware.
drunken sign

It’s such a delight watching them run towards me.  I know it’s not me they want to see but the food.  At least somehow I feel important.


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