Our chickens lay eggs everyday

We were grossly occupied for the past three years and the farm took a back seat. We visited but not regularly and because I spent half of my time abroad, there were times I didn’t get to visit in two months.

Beginning in July of this year, we’ve refocused our attention and desire to finish our farmhouse little by little. We’ve been visiting more often to check on our plants and chickens. We’ve started asking questions as to why our chickens didn’t produce eggs and increase in number over the past 3 years. Of course, we all know the obvious answer. Someone have been enjoying FREE fresh organic native eggs and FREE free-range fried chickens for several years without our permission.

We hired a new caretaker and hopefully he is more dependable and trustworthy. Edmund had a chicken coop made and started organizing the baskets for laying eggs. We’ve also paid close attention to the number of chickens that we currently have and inventorying the eggs. So far we’ve seen some improvements and we’re surprised at the revelation. Our chickens lay eggs every single day. The prospect that we will soon have more eggs than we’ll need and more chickens than we could consume make my family excited.

Baskets with chicken eggs

fresh eggs in a basket

freshly laid eggs

A few-minutes old egg, fresh from the mother hen’s pwet. Mainit-init pa.
one egg,

As of last count, there were 60 eggs in the baskets. Three hens are presently making limlim (sitting on the eggs to naturally fertilize them) and in two more weeks, these eggs will hatch.

We are expecting some eggs will disappear because our second caretaker left for the province because his wife is giving birth. He won’t be back till after a week.

We’re hoping that soon we’re going to have a deluge of baby chick-chicks. Our target is to increase the number of our chickens to 100. Any thing in excess would be sent to Antonia for tinola!


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