It was only after a year of sharing my personal diary online that I realized I was, what they call, a blogger. I learned that was a “blog” when friends would refer to the website that I only knew as my personal diary. I was oblivious and living in the old ages.
You see, during my time, when you wanted to remember thoughts or ideas, you get a pencil and write it out on paper. To keep something secret would be to fold it and hide it away for your eyes only. To share it with someone meant copying it and sending it via postal mail.

I was born in a world filled with words, immortalized by ink and paper. Words that were carefully thought out, sender identified and author signed.

I consider myself lucky to have had the opportunity to witness and experience both the old world and the new hi-tech world. Today, with just a click or scroll of a finger, one is connected to the world. Your simple thoughts and ideas are broadcasted to family, friends, relatives, neighbors, acquaintances, and strangers. This shift in technology is shaping and re-shaping generations. Like it or not, people’s lives are now intertwined. Our network of friends easily multiplied by the thousands and if you are a celebrity, by the millions. Moods are now affected by likes, friendships dictated by comments, relationships built on chats.

I am witness to the negative effects of such technology. We have become impatient, insecure, self-entitled and vain. Online we complain instead of contribute. Problems are constantly whined about but never solved. Criticism is cruel and never constructive. Online attacks by bullies are the new normal. The truth is blurred. Fact, fiction and judgment sit side by side in the comment section. We think the world owes us and that our opinion matters more than the next guy. We hide behind our computers and expose only our dark side.

I, on the other hand, do not want to hide. Whether I like it or not, I have a responsibility to my readers. I do not want to post something that would make them envious. I do not want to pretend to be someone that I am not just to impress them. I certainly do not want to influence others in a negative way.

My blog is read by my loved ones, my relatives, my neighbors, our former drivers and maids, my former teachers, classmates, present and past employees, business colleagues, and total strangers. While I cannot control their interpretation, impression and perception of who I am and what I am, I wish that whatever they read affects them in a positive way. I do not pretend to be someone. I just want to be in that corner where I do not create negativity amongst people. It’s a privilege that people care to read my blog, I am grateful for that. I hope in my own little way, I am able to bring some positivity, hope, encouragement, and inspiration into their own lives. I hope my pettiness and attention to mundane things offer even a little bit of deviation from their own troubles.

I never started out to become an influencer. My website was born from the simple desire to save photos and document my thoughts for my children, future grandchildren and generations to come. I wanted to keep my stories, mementos alive. However, this did not come easy for me. After all, I am a mom, living in the olden days.

Sometimes I forget that other people read what I post. Sometimes I forget that what I mean is different from what my readers perceive and interpret. I can say I don’t care because they are just spectators, I do not know them and they do not know me. I could say whatever I want to say. But that’s not true.

I recognize that since I chose to be public, I now have the power of words and sometimes, the ability to influence others. I’ve come to realize that many people follow me. What my thoughts are, what my clothes are, what I do, where I go, what I eat, my joys and pains. I take this responsibility and connection with readers very seriously. We’re friends. We’re family.

Hence, connectivity is to enhance relationships, not to destroy them. Communication is to keep minds open and share ideas to achieve a common goal. Let us not bash, insult, slander, create brazen lies, and destroy reputations. Instead let us, separate fact from fiction, analyze, remain objective, promote, uplift, compliment and support one another. Through Ohmybuhay, I hope to motivate people, encourage action and inspire change. Change starts with a choice. By starting my online diary, I chose to learn, to update my internal software and keep up with technology. I choose to keep Ohmybuhay candid, credible and real. I choose to be sensitive with what I say and stand by my opinions. I chose to be the same person online and offline.

Now, if I, can learn to blog at my age, it is a sign that things are not too late. It is never too late to change or improve upon ourselves. To do so, we must always choose the good, not just in words but also in action. Let us choose to be good people, online and offline.

SA 461



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