What to do if the car repair cost estimate is high

When you bring in your vehicle for an estimate of how much would the repair cost, there are a few things to remember:

1. A cost estimate is just that, an estimate. It can’t be 100% accurate.
The service advisor, will make an initial diagnosis based on the problems your vehicle is having based on the information you provide. If it’s a body repair, the estimate would center mainly on what is clearly visual to them.

2. The cost estimate will not cover your whole vehicle because it would take weeks to do that. For the technicians to give a thorough diagnosis, your whole vehicle must be turned upside down and this would entail a lot of time (labor) which may not be practical. It’s like have a tummy ache and going to the doctor. The doctor will not check your eyes if your are only complaining of a tummy ache.

3. The dealer charges a certain fee (fixed) to do simple diagnosis because they incur time (labor) to attend to your vehicle. Labor is not free. Tax is not free.

4. It is but natural for car owners to expect and wish that the repair cost would be low. However, expect that 99% of the time, the cost estimate would be much higher. Why?

a) The suggested repairs to be done and parts to be replaced are based on the manufacturer’s manual in car maintenance. The dealer only follows this manual (of course). If there are worn out parts that need to be replaced, this would jack up the costs. What you will receive is an estimate based on the standard procedures. This is the ideal scenario. Worn out parts = replace with new ones.

b) However, in many instances, the dealer understands, knows and cooperates with the owners so they would be able to lower their repairs and maintenance costs by suggesting that certain parts maybe replaced not immediately but maybe in their next visit or maybe be delayed even further as long as this would not affect the car’s reliability.

c) The dealer should inform the customer the repairs that the dealer thinks is necessary based on their best judgment. As in all dealers, regardless of brand, location and country, mistakes could happen. For example, the service advisor thinks that your spark plug must be changed, however, the ones you have still has a few months life span. If mistakes were committed, please remember that this is not deliberate.
Dealers will not jeopardize their credibility and businesses just to cheat you of a few thousand pesos.

d) If you think the cost should only be P30,000 and yet the dealer gave you an estimate of P200,000. Do not scream and shout and curse the dealer for thinking that they are trying to cheat you. First, you asked them to give you an estimate only. You didn’t tell them to repair your vehicle. So you have a choice. You may analyze it first, go over the list, and please ask questions. You will have a peaceful day and sound sleep knowing that the dealer you are dealing with is trustworthy and will not cheat you. By calmly inquiring about the details of the estimate, letting the service people explain why it reached that much would educate you about your vehicle and that knowledge would be very useful for all car owners, present and future.

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My husband and I are very sympathetic to foreigners who come to visit our country, either for leisure, business or retirement. We want them to enjoy their stay here. We are deeply affected when their lives or welfare are endangered while staying here. We feel embarrassed and sorry for our country for not being able to protect them. I picked a fight with a fruit vendor in Tagaytay for overpricing the pineapples to a Korean. Instead of P100 for 4, he told the guy P150 for 4. I told not the vendor not to do that.

We do not cheat co-Filipinos, much more foreigners who come to love the country we call home.

Like what my daughter has said, our company does not have a policy to jack-up the prices for white people. We charge the same, white, brown, black or blue.
We treat everyone the same, with honesty.


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4 thoughts on “What to do if the car repair cost estimate is high

  1. Puti na walang pera yan ! Hindi muna magtanong ng maintindihan niya , basta nalang mag susulat ng pangit na comment. Kainis, sakit sa mata ng sinulat niya.

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