Finally, at long last, after eagerly awaiting for the door-to-door delivery of one balikbayan box Oyen and I shipped on July 13, 2013 thru Johnny Air Cargo’s  Avenue A drop-off office in Manhattan, our balikbayan box arrived yesterday, October 16, 2013. Three months and three days. How fast was that?

Based on the circumstantial evidence we’ve pieced together, our box was kept for a month at their Avenue A. office. Maybe they should ask Heidi, the weekend reliever, how did this happen.

After so many phone calls, texts, to their main office here in Manila, after calls to their head office in Queens, we are relieved that our things are here.

Nothing lost, except for three broken 70 year old porcelain plates.





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3 thoughts on “door-to-door arrived

  1. Hi ms. annie,
    Can i just say, the plates are beautiful and super sayang the broken ones. I hope you can have them fixed and glued together…they remind me of my lola’s plates.

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