I am happy that my son is getting his college diploma today. Oyen got hers 5 years ago and now it’s Nyke’s turn.

We parents, all have the same dreams for our children. On top of the list of course is their college education. At least iniisip ko, hindi na sila magugutom. With a diploma, they can find jobs.

But of course, a diploma may just be a piece of printed paper. Everything else would depend on many other things. One is how my son would value and use what he learned from school. Value in terms of how he would view his own person. To believe that he can do and go beyond what he can imagine. To believe that if others can do it, he can, too. Maybe even better.

As parents, Edmund and I cannot give him everything. He has to learn how to live and survive. He has to do things by himself and for himself. He has to learn how to swim in this sea of challenges and come out winning.

(gift opening)
gift opening

His diploma is just a step to a bigger world. One doesn’t stop there. He has to search for more. Search for what this world can offer him. And more importantly, what he can offer to this world.

son's graduation

Anak, congratulations. I wish you all the best. May God guide you always in your paths.
May all the angels in heaven protect you all the days of your life.
I may not be around forever, but please always remember, I do love you very very very much.
God bless.


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