We have a new driver, recommended by another driver. They met at the church’s parking grounds. Both their employers went to church every day, so that’s how they met, while both of them were waiting at the parking lot. They saw each other several times a week for several months.

According to the police, many families don’t know the complete name of their drivers.

I think it’s best to have a file of their personal information including clear photos.
I highly recommend that you send someone to visit the address listed in their biodata.

I took his photos, all angles, a la mug shots. He’s very cooperative naman.

full body

front view smiling

Side view


I photo copied his driver’s license, and other IDs for our file.

I also took his fingerprints, game na game naman sya.




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2 thoughts on “Driver’s Mug Shots

  1. Hi, I’m an avid reader of your blog. Do you mind if I ask how much is the usual rate of a Driver and are they stay in ? Thank Much!

    1. Hi Eunice,

      Depending on individual qualifications (education, work experiences, other training), stay in drivers get a minimum of P12,000 starting salary plus food and etc. Six days work. Extra money is given for merienda or dinner. They get bigger food allowance when driving out of town. There are drivers earning almost P20k a month. Driver-Security naman gets a lot more than that.

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