Duterte’s newest favorite person

The Philippine Star published on its front page the unsolicited advice of the former president of Columbia, Cesar Gaviria, regarding our country’s challenges in fighting the drug menace. .

Cesar Gaviria,  Philippine Star headline

I have read the article twice. It was well written, well thought off and in my opinion it was written from the heart and with every good intention. Pres. Gaviria didn’t say anything bad. I didn’t think what he said was offensive to our country or to our president. Maybe he just wanted to share with us his valuable insights and actual experiences about the drug menace because his country faced a similar problem before.

Cesar Gaviria opinion article

Cesar Gaviria article on drug problem

Because of this opinion article, he became the newest favorite person of Pres. Duterte. He didn’t know that our president doesn’t appreciate it when he feels he is being criticized either directly or indirectly, kaya hayun, natawag tuloy sya na idiot.


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