At last it’s getting dark. Can you imagine? We sat there for 4 hours to make sure we have a good spot. As if we have never seen fireworks before. Hello, dami nyan sa bubong namin, pag December 31.

patrick and justin

Ang ginaw-ginaw. People came prepared with their beddings, fur, thick jackets and boots. Ako, naka flip-flops.
I was forced to shell out $10 for a pranela sweater which I used to cover-up. Aileen and Dimple bought cheap blankets from the tourist souvenir shop. Dimple used a black garbage bag to pack her extra jackets. I had a bright idea which turned out to be really bright. I borrowed the black plastic garbage bag from Dimple and placed my feet and legs inside it. Effective, walang hangin na nakapasok. It spared my toes from freezing.

waiting for fireworks

At long last, it’s 9:30 pm, dark and chilly, here it comes…. booom.

4th of july

fireworks 1

fireworks 3

fireworks 2

Happy 4th of July to Americans, from Annie with love. Belated pala.



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