My two dresses with the same cut but different colors have been missing for several months now, and she didn’t remember a thing about those dresses. I’ve worn those dresses dozens of times to the market. They were my official market dresses.

Oyen couldn’t find her brand-new bath rug. M couldn’t give an answer. She looked na daw everywhere and she couldn’t find it. to begin with, she didn’t have a clue what rug Oyen was looking for.
Three days passed, Antonio told me she saw M dump that bath mat under their pantry cabinet, together with floor mats and rugs.
Antonia found it. Since then, M hated Antonia for squealing.

I left for an errand and came back after an hour. I caught her hiding in our formal kitchen.

A———-“Anong ginagawa mo dyan?”
M———-“Wala, dito lang ako dumaan”.

She probably panicked when she heard me speaking to Antonia in the garage. She’s like that, she hides from us. Para hindi mautusan.

Yesterday, I asked her to assist another maid in cleaning my bathroom.
She was just standing there and pretending to be cleaning. When I pointed at the dirt on the tub, she told me it’s been cleaned.

I couldn’t recognize Edmund’s H&M polo shirt.
When I asked how this happened, she looked clueless.
Edmund's polo shirt

She blamed Antonia for this un-ironed placemat. I asked her to iron it, she came back after na hour, it still looked like this.
crumpled placemat

A——–“M____, bakit puro mantsa?”
M——–“Hindi ko alam”.

stains, table covers

A———“Anong nangyari dito?”
M———“Baka marupok”.

I found a few more looking like this.
Torn Table Cloth

Sorry I gave up on our lavandera of 9 months. My patience got depleted. Useless getting mad. I asked her to leave tomorrow morning.
I just think we deserve someone better.


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