Holy Week Preparations

April 13, 2019,

While I was away,  Edmund helped me prepare the venue where we stage our yearly Byernes Santo water, bread, and white towel giving-away.
The old roof was torn down and in two days, Ford Cainta’s maintenance crew put up a new one,  still looking dilapidated but more stable, something that would last a few more years till we have decided what to do with the property. The also installed new fence lights and cemented the driveway.

I arrived on the night of Lunes Santo,  and the first person I contacted was Jason, the one printing the towels.

Despite the last minute preparations, we were able to accomplish my yearly panata with the cooperation and help from my husband, my daughter, our office staff, the maintenance guys, etc.
Our maids helped too by rolling each towel for easy handling.

Every year the local towel manufacturer increased their price by as much as 10% which was bi. I couldn’t order in advance to avail of the old price because the towels would smell luma after a year due to humidity. We searched for a trader from Divisoria who imported these towels from China (hayyy) at a much lesser cost. The quality is not as good as the one locally made but the big difference in price made me switch. This year the towels cost P18 – P20 each inclusive of the one color printing.

Every year I increase the number of towels we give away so the cost keeps going up.
As early as October of this year I would direct my staff to canvass for better quality at a reasonable price.


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