Lucky are those who, at a young age already knew what his ambitions are, what to do, where to go, how to achieve his goals. These are the ones who draw a clear path straight to their target. They are determined to reach the pinnacle of success bulls eye.

There are those who are content with what they have now. A simple but satisfactory life. A job or career that may not be the best, but it brings them food on the table, some degree of comforts, and contentment.

There are also those who don’t have a clue on what they want in life. All they are aware of is their discontent, hatred and boredom on their present job or career. They feel like losers and envy others whom they think have the best jobs or career.

I interviewed a few people last week for different job positions. There’s one male that hopped from one job to another. One year, 10 months, 3 months, one week. Reason? He was pirated. He didn’t have second thoughts of moving from one company to the other. And yet, he still couldn’t find the right fit. The right job. The right pay. The right co-workers. Everything seems just not right.

My only conclusion is, he’s not successful in his previous jobs or else why would he transfer? Being successful means knowing your job assignment fully well. Competence and mastery of your duties and responsibilities are musts for one to fully enjoy your present job. Quantifiable success only comes when one has fully embraced the responsibilities presented to him each day and hour.

If one has not been satisfied with what has come his way, time to stop, look and listen. Stop your world for a moment, look around you, then listen to your heart and mind. Looking around doesn’t mean comparing yourself with others. Look around for inspiration, not detraction and envy.

What do you want? This is a tough question. Many people don’t exactly know what they want. If one doesn’t know what he’s been looking for, then enumerate the things that you don’t want. Do the process of elimination. Somewhere there in your list, in between the lines, and the hundreds of things that you hated, you might just find what you were looking for.

Start, move, and breathe right.


If your husband can’t seem to find the right job in his mind, have a serious talk. Follow my suggestion- list down what he hated in his previous jobs. Do the process of elimination. But it may not be easy. He may not lay his heart on the table, out of pride and prejudice. If that is so, then his discontentment with his work is deeper than mere job hopping. It’s not the job. He’s searching for something in his life or he’s trying to prove something to you or to himself, but fails.


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