My daughter is on a diet roll. Two weeks ago, she embarked on a one week food delivery that limited her calories to 1,500 a day. Last week, she had detoxification  by drinking pre-mixed fresh fruits and vegetables in juice bottles every morning.


She got buy one take one promo, thinking it’s the perfect deal so I could also embark on a detox/diet week.


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Oyen finished all her juices, according to the schedule.  She religiously followed the guide.

She made me taste one bottle.  The orange one (carrot, apple juice, ginger).  I took a sip.  Another sip.  Then that’s it.  I could not drink any more than that.  It’s too intense.    I tried to make daya by giving a bottle to Edmund.  He willingly gulped it.  But couldn’t continue because of the gingery after-taste.

Tonight,  I reminded Oyen that she still has some bottles left in the ref.

Oyen——- “Mom, those are all  yours.  I’ve finished mine”.

‘nay ko,  pano ko ito uubusin?



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