Last night’s dream: I married a different guy

My dream woke me up at exactly 6 this morning. It was a long dream with so many characters: neighbors, friends, teachers, families.

In my dream, Edmund and I have been sweethearts for 9 years but for some reason, there was no plan of tying the knot. We often talked about marriage but only in relation to other people but never planned for our own wedding.
I was 35 years old and one day, I agreed to marry someone else. I haven’t seen the guy nor knew him personally. He was recommended to me by several friends including Tita Irene, an 81 year old acquaintance of mine. I agreed to marry the guy because I concluded that my boyfriend of 9 years had no plans of marrying me. I was 35 and wanted to have kids. There was no wedding ceremony that happened. I just signed a piece of paper.

The next day, I was walking to a community event near a school when I saw Edmund. He knew that I married someone else the day before. He was holding my left arm while we were walking on wet grass. He asked me about the guy and I said I haven’t seen him but I think he’s good looking and tall. There appeared the guy in front of us and I asked him what his name was. He said Paul. The guy was towering over us, with his 6’4 height.
I said hello and I introduced him to Edmund.

The next scene: I was riding on a bus seated beside this Paul. He was chatting with some teachers who were also traveling with us. As I looked at the right side of his face I noticed he looked mabait and was fairly good-looking.

The next scene: I was walking to watch a parade. But someone told me to stop and wait for a few minutes. Apparently it was my birthday and they were going to surprise me. I panicked when I realized they were going to sing a birthday song. I looked for someone to take my pictures and video. When I looked to the left, there was Edmund, looking at what was going on. He was wearing white sando, blue shorts and slippers. I called him. I gave him my cellphone so he could take my pictures.

Next scene: All of us were being ushered to a Spanish mansion where a reception would be held. I again, was walking with Edmund. Then I felt guilty. I remembered that I already have a husband and his name is Paul. I should be attending the dinner with Paul, the guy I married the previous day. When I looked around, I realized I don’t even remember how he looked like except that he’s tall. Fear enveloped me. I couldn’t understand why I married a stranger instead of my boyfriend of 9 years. Someone in the dream suggested that I could still have the marriage invalidated because it’s not yet been 24 hours.

I woke up feeling terrified. What a weird dream.


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2 thoughts on “Last night’s dream: I married a different guy

  1. LOL… According to the old folks that lurked around in the good old days, dreams are the opposite happenings, so there’s your Edmund always by your side to the rescue… That could mean he is your forever…. SWEET!

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